Firma has in-house expertise in planning, land use and policy issues. We also have experience developing visual analysis studies and viable site plan alternatives. Our project experience as Environmental Planners ranges from rural and suburban subdivisions to regional shopping centers and resorts.
Analysis & Mapping
Preparation of maps and a variety of specific analysis types for landowners and other entities including:
Constraints Mapping
Environmental Impact
Fire Safety Impact
Landform / Grading / Sedimentation Impact
Landowner Visual Assessment
Environmental Monitoring
Development of Mitigation Management plans and compliance verification monitoring. Experience with federal, state and local regulations relating to environmental control. Examples include:
Oak tree Protection Plans
Habitat Enhancement Plans
Restoration Plans
CEQA – EIR Development
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is California's broadest environmental law and is conducted during issuance of permits and approval of projects. CEQA applies to all discretionary projects proposed to be conducted or approved by a California public agency, including private projects requiring discretionary government approval. Firma has decades of experience in meeting CEQA standards with a range of project types.
EIR experience includes a wide range of physical locales and jurisdictions including:
Coastal zones
Rural / urban interfaces
Oak woodlands
Wetland areas